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Přehled literatury od autorů Nutri-Score ve Francii

  1. Julia C, Hercberg S (2017). Development of a new front-of-pack nutrition label in France:the 5-Colour Nutri-Score. Public Health Panorama. 3:712–25
  2. Rayner M, Scarborough P, Stockley L, Boxer A (2005). Nutrient Profiles: Further Refinement and Testing of Model SSCg3d. London: Food Standards Agency.
  3. Rayner M, Scarborough P, Boxer A, Stockley L (2005). Nutrient Profiles: Development of Final Model. London: Food Standards Agency.
  4. Rayner M, Scarborough P, Stockley L (2004) . Nutrient Profiles: Options for Definitions For use in Relation to Food Promotion and Children's Diets. London: Food Standards Agency, 2004
  5. Rayner, M, Scarborough, P, Stockley, L. (2005). Nutrient Profiles: Applicability of Currently Proposed Model for Uses in Relation to Promotion of Foods to Children Aged 5–10 and Adults London: Food Standards Agency.
  6. Arambepola, C, Scarborough, P & Rayner, M (2008). Validating a nutrient profile model. Public Health Nutr 11, 371–378.
  7. Rayner M, Scarborough P, Lobstein, T (2009). The UK Ofcom Nutrient Profiling Model - Defining 'healthy' and 'unhealthy' food and drinks for TV advertising to children. www.ndph.ox.ac.uk/food-ncd/files/about/uk-ofcom-nutrient-profile-model
  8. Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique (2015). Avis relatif à l'information sur la qualité nutritionnelle des produits alimentaires.HCSP :Paris. Accessible at: www.hcsp.fr/Explore.cgi/avisrapportsdomaine?clefr=519
  9. Townsend MS (2010). Where is the science? What will it take to show that nutrient profiling systems work? Am J Clin Nutr; 91:1109S-15S.
  10. Grunert KG, Wills JM (2007). A review of European research on consumer response to nutrition information on food labels. J Public Health;15:385-99.
  11. WHO (2019). Guiding principles and framework manual for front-of-pack labelling for promoting healthy dietPre-formatted final draft - May 2019, www.who.int/nutrition/publications/policies/guidingprinciples-labelling-promoting-healthydiet.pdf?ua=1
  12. WHO (2020). Manual to develop and implement front‑of‑pack nutrition labelling. Guidance for countries on the selection and testing of evidence‑informed front‑of‑pack nutrition labelling systems in the WHO European Region apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/336988/WHO-EURO-2020-1569-41320-56234-eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  13. WHO (2020). Appendix : Detailed description of additional validation studies that may be considered to select and evaluate a front-of-pack labelling scheme apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/336989/WHO-EURO-2020-1570-41321-56235-eng.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
  14. Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé. Scientific articles and papers published on the Nutri-Score. solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/prevention-en-sante/preserver-sa-sante/nutrition/article/articles-scientifiques-et-documents-publies-relatifs-au-nutri-score
  15. Dréano-Trécant L, Egnell M, Hercberg S, Galan P, Soudon J, Fialon M, Touvier M, Kesse-Guyot E, Julia C (2020). Performance of the Front-of-Pack Nutrition Label Nutri-Score to Discriminate the
  16. Nutritional Quality of Foods Products : A Comparative Study across 8 European Countries, Nutrients, 12(5), 1303
  17. Szabo de Edelenyi F, Egnell M, Galan P, Hercberg S, Julia C (2020). Ability of the front-of-pack nutrition label Nutri-Score to discriminate nutritional quality of food products in 13 European countries and consistency with nutritional recommendations solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/rapport_eren_off_7_countries
  18. Julia C, Ducrot P, Peneau S et al (2015). Discriminating nutritional quality of foods using the 5-Color nutrition label in the French food market: consistency with nutritional recommendations. Nutr J. 14:100
  19. Julia C, Kesse-Guyot E, Touvier M, Mejean C, Fezeu L, Hercberg S (2014). Application of the British Food Standards Agency nutrient profiling system in a French food composition database. The British journal of nutrition, 112:1699-705
  20. Julia C, Mejean C, Touvier M et al (2015). Validation of the FSA nutrient profiling system dietary index in French adults-findings from SUVIMAX study. Eur J Nutr.
  21. Deschamps V, Julia C, Salanave B, Verdot C, Hercberg S, Castetbon K (2015). Score de qualité nutritionnelle des aliments de la Food Standards Agency appliqué aux consommations alimentaires individuelles des adultes en France. Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire; 466-75.
  22. Donnenfeld M, Julia C, Kesse-Guyot E, Méjean C, Ducrot P, Péneau S, Deschasaux M, Latino-Martel P, Fezeu L, Hercberg S, et al (2015). Prospective association between cancer risk and an individual dietary index based on the British Food Standards Agency Nutrient Profiling System. Br J Nutr. 114:1702–10.
  23. Adriouch S, Julia C, Kesse-Guyot E, Méjean C, Ducrot P, Péneau S, Donnenfeld M, Deschasaux M, Menai M, Hercberg S, et al (2016). Prospective association between a dietary quality index based on a nutrient profiling system and cardiovascular disease risk. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 23:1669–76.
  24. Julia C, Fézeu LK, Ducrot P, Méjean C, Péneau S, Touvier M, Hercberg S, Kesse-Guyot E (2015). The Nutrient Profile of Foods Consumed Using the British Food Standards Agency Nutrient Profiling System Is Associated with Metabolic Syndrome in the SU.VI.MAX Cohort. J Nutr. 145:2355–61.
  25. Julia C, Ducrot P, Lassale C, Fézeu L, Méjean C, Péneau S, Touvier M, Hercberg S, Kesse-Guyot E (2015). Prospective associations between a dietary index based on the British Food Standard Agency nutrient profiling system and 13-year weight gain in the SU.VI.MAX cohort. Prev Med. 81:189–94.
  26. Adriouch S, Julia C, Kesse-Guyot E, Ducrot P, Péneau S, Méjean C, Assmann KE, Deschasaux M, Hercberg S, Touvier M, et al (2017). Association between a dietary quality index based on the food standard agency nutrient profiling system and cardiovascular disease risk among French adults. Int J Cardiol. 234:22–7.
  27. Deschasaux M, Julia C, Kesse-Guyot E, Lécuyer L, Adriouch S, Méjean C, Ducrot P, Péneau S, Latino-Martel P, Fezeu LK, et al (2017). Are self-reported unhealthy food choices associated with an increased risk of breast cancer? Prospective cohort study using the British Food Standards Agency nutrient profiling system. BMJ Open. 7:e013718.
  28. Gómez-Dono so C, Martínez-González MÁ, Perez-Cornago A, Sayón-Orea C, Martínez JA, Bes-Rastrollo M (2020). Association between the nutrient profile system underpinning the Nutri-Score front-of-pack nutrition label and mortality in the SUN Project : a prospective cohort study. Clin Nutr. 17: S0261-5614(20)30359-9
  29. Deschasaux M, Huybrechts I, Murphy N, Julia C, Hercberg S, Srour B, Kesse-Guyot E, Latino-Martel P, Biessy C, Casagrande C, et al (2018). Nutritional quality of food as represented by the FSAm-NPS nutrient profiling system underlying the Nutri-Score label and cancer risk in Europe: Results from the EPIC prospective cohort study. PLoS Med. 15(9):e1002651
  30. Deschasaux M, Huybrechts I, Julia C, Hercberg S, Egnell M, Srour B, Kesse-Guyot E, Latino-Martel P, Biessy C, Casagrande C (2020) Association between nutritional profiles of foods underlying Nutri-Score front-of-pack labels and mortality: EPIC cohort study in 10 European countries. BMJ. 2020 Sep 16;370:m3173
  31. Egnell M, Seconda L, Neal B, Ni Mhurchu C et al (2020).Prospective associations of the original Food Standards Agency nutrient profiling system and three variants with weight gain, overweight and obesity risk : results from the French NutriNet-Santé cohort. British journal of nutrition, septembre 2020.
  32. Ducrot P, Mejean C, Julia C, Kesse-Guyot E, Touvier M, Fezeu L, et al (2015). Effectiveness of Front-Of-Pack Nutrition Labels in French Adults: Results from the NutriNet-Sante Cohort Study. PLoSOne. 10:e0140898.
  33. Julia C, Péneau S, Camille Buscail, Rebeca Gonzalez, Touvier M, Hercberg S, Kesse-Guyot E (2017). Perception of different formats of front-of-pack nutrition labels according to sociodemographic, lifestyle and dietary factors in a French population : cross-sectional study among the NutriNet-Santé cohort participants. BMJ open 7, 6 : e016108
  34. De Temmerman J, Heeremans E, Slabbinck H, Vermeir I (2021). The impact of the Nutri-Score nutrition label on perceived healthiness and purchase intentions. Appetite, 57, 1 February 2021, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0195666320316172?dgcid=rss_sd_all
  35. Sarda B, Julia C, Serry AJ, Ducrot P. Appropriation of the Front-of-Pack Nutrition Label Nutri-Score across the French Population: Evolution of Awareness, Support, and Purchasing Behaviors between 2018 and 2019. Nutrients. 2020 Sep 22;12(9):2887.
  36. Hispacoop, Survey on Nutri-Score (2020) www.eurocoop.coop/news/281-HISPACOOP-Survey-on-Nutri-Score.html
  37. Test Achat (2020) www.test-achats.be/action/espace-presse/communiques-de-presse/2020/peiling-nutri-score
  38. BMEL (2020) www.bmel.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/_Ernaehrung/Lebensmittel-Kennzeichnung/Ergebnisbericht_Fokusgruppenbefragung_TeilB_eNWK.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=3
  39. Egnell M, Talati Z, Galan P, Andreeva V, Vandevijvere S, Gombaud M, Dréano-Trécant L, Hercberg S, Pettigrew S, Julia C (2020). Objective understanding of the Nutri-score front-of-pack label by
  40. European consumers and its effect on food choices : an online experimental study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 17:146
  41. Egnell M, Talati Z, Hercberg S, Pettigrew S, Julia C (2018). Objective Understanding of Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels: An International Comparative Experimental Study across 12 Countries. Nutrients. 10: 1542.
  42. Ducrot P, Mejean C, Julia C, Kesse-Guyot E, Touvier M, Fezeu LK, et al (2015). Objective Understanding of Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels among Nutritionally At-Risk Individuals. Nutrients 7: 7106‑25.
  43. Ducrot P, Julia C, Mejean C, Kesse-Guyot E, Touvier M, Fezeu LK, et al (2016). Impact of Different Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labels on Consumer Purchasing Intentions: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Am J Prev Med. 50, 627‑36.
  44. Egnell M, Boutron I, Péneau S, Ducrot P, Touvier M, Galan P, Buscail C, Porcher R, Ravaud P, Hercberg S, Kesse-Guyot E, Julia C (2019). Front-of-Pack Labeling and the Nutritional Quality of Students' Food Purchases: A 3-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial. Am J Public Health. 109, 8, 1122-1129.
  45. Hercberg S (2020). From nutritional research to public health measures.Nutri-Score: past, present and future, XI Simposio Anual Ciberobn "Obesity and Nutrition in the 21st century" 26-29 octubre 2020.
  46. Crosetto P, Muller L, Ruffieux B (2016). Réponses des consommateurs à trois systèmes d’étiquetage nutritionnel face avant Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique, 51, 3, 124-131.
  47. Crosetto P, Lacroix A, Muller L, Ruffieux B (2017). Modification des achats alimentaires en réponse à cinq logos nutritionnels. Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique, 52, 3, 129-133
  48. Crosetto P, Lacroix A, Muller L, Ruffieux B (2020). Nutritional and economic impact of five alternative front-of-pack nutritional labels : experimental evidence. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 47, 2, 785–818.
  49. Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé. Evaluation ex ante de systemes d’etiquetage nutritionnel graphique simplifierapport final du comite scientifique solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/rapport_comite_scientifique_etiquetage_nutritionnel_150317
  50. Dubois P, Albuquerque P, Allais O, Bonnet C, Bertail P, Combris P, Lahlou S, Rigal N, Ruffieux B, Chandon P (2020). Effects of front-of-pack labels on the nutritional quality of supermarket food purchases : evidence from a large-scale randomized controlled trial. J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020). doi.org/10.1007/s11747-020-00723-5
  51. Egnell M, Crosetto P, D’Almeida T, Kesse-Guyot E, Touvier M, Ruffieux B, Hercberg S, Muller L., Julia C (2019). Modelling the impact of different front-of-package nutrition labels on mortality from non-communicable chronic disease. Int. J. Behav. Nutr. Phys. Act., 16, 56.
  52. Egnell M, Kesse-Guyot E, Galan P, Touvier M, Rayner M, Jewell J, Breda J, Hercberg S, Julia C (2018). Impact of Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labels on Portion Size Selection : An Experimental Study in a French Cohort. Nutrients 10, no 9: 1268.
  53. Julia C, Hercberg S (2016). Research and lobbying conflicting on the issue of a front-of-pack nutrition labelling in France. Arch Public Health. Nov 28;74:51.
  54. Mialon M, Julia C, Hercberg S (2018). The policy dystopia model adapted to the food industry : the example of the Nutri-Score saga in France. World Nutrition 9, no 2: 109 20.
  55. Julia C, Hercberg S (2018). Big Food’s Opposition to the French Nutri-Score Front-of-Pack Labeling Warrants a Global Reaction. Am J Public Health. Mar;108(3):318-320